Курс за аниматори на деца и младежи 24-26.02.2017 г./Course for animators of children and young people 24-16.02.2017

“From 24th till 26th of February 2017 in the place of the Salesian fathers in Kazanlak was hold the second preparatory meeting for the Salesian animators from the two-years course. The course brought together young people from the parishes in Plovdiv, Svishtov, Tsarev Brod, Yambol, Kazanlak, Stara Zagora and Sofia. …
Папски благослов/Papal Blessing
Зимни лагери/Winter camps
Празник на Св. Йоан Боско в Казанлък 28.01.2017/Feast of Don Bosco in Kazanlak 28.01.2017

“On January 28 in Kazanlak Salesians celebrated the feast of its founder – St. John Bosco. Guests from different cities attended the feast. The Holy Mass was celebrated by His Eminence Bishop Christo Proykov – Apostolic Exarch of the Byzantine Catholic Church in Bulgaria. In his sermon Bishop Proykov talked …