Course for animators, 29.11-01.12.2019, town of Kazanlak
Course for animators 15-17.11.2019, town of Kazanlak
Spiritual meeting “Come and see”, town of Rakovski, 12-13.10.2019

“The spiritual meeting Come and See held at the Monastery of the Franciscan Sisters gave us the opportunity to live our faith with other young people, to express it with prayers, religious songs, scripture reading and many other spiritual life activities. We had the opportunity to hear testimonies and conversations …
March 2019, 24-28.07.
Summer camp for girls, 15-21.07.2019
Camp for boys, 08-14.07.2019
Work camp, 01-05.07.2019
A meeting for the avocations, 23-24.02.2019, town of Kazanlak
Feast of St. John Bosko, 02.02.2019, town of Kazanlak

The Salesians in Bulgaria together with parishioners, friends and acquaintances celebrated the feast of St. John Bosko on the 02.02.2019 in the town of Kazanlak. The presence of bishop Hristo Proykov, who served the Holy Liturgy, brought more joy to the people and increased the meaning of the feast. During …