A meeting for animators was held from 29.11 to 1.12. For some of the participants it was another such meeting, for others it was a meeting with friends, and for me it was something new, from which, I hope, something good will come out. I will not speak as a chronicler with a debt to the truth and a pen, but rather as a participant in actions, or in this case, a series of actions that impressed me and with the most sincere intention to share these experiences with the readers of this work, I will tell them exactly what I feel at the time of writing this reading. First of all, the new friends I have met, and I hope that they will stay in my life for longer, not only as good acquaintances or future colleagues, but rather as close friends. The following are the games we participated in and watched each other. I think that in addition to confirming the good intentions of the other person, they also brought good moments together that would remain in our memories for a long time. I was also impressed by the new place (Kazanlak), where we ran and had fun together, and at which new place I felt the ripples of this city, in the heart of Bulgaria. Lastly, I would put an end to this spiritual and moral journey not because I wanted to go home – on the contrary, but I knew that after this end there would be a new beginning, in which new beginning the same people would meet, maybe even also others, I hope, but most of all, I hope for new memories and pleasant experiences that warm our hearts in the cold of winter, and with which, I hope, I will be remembered by others. And the others – I will always carry in my soul. Peter