Summer camp for girls, 15-21.07.2019



I was very excited before the start of camp because it was my first time as an animator. But I was also very worried and scared of what was waiting for me there. Some would say, “What’s so scary? Just kids who want to have fun.” Yes, but if they don’t like the games you’ve been thinking about days and days. I would say that I got rid of these worries only on the second or third day. The first day did not go as expected. I did not believe it would be so difficult to simply accommodate them in the rooms. Everyone had claims who they wanted to be with and who they didn’t want to be with. This seemed like a difficult task. In the end, everything went well and by the evening everything bad had been forgotten. At least I think so. We had the same program all week, but I would say that every day contained different things. There were different games, different workshops, different activities during the afternoon break. Every night there was a word made up by an animator. I would say that the camp itself went well, although it was difficult at times. I look forward to next year.
Petya Ahmakova
Both volunteers of Don Bosko Bulgaria Foundation – Zdislava Sihrova and Andrea Nachtmanova – helped in the organization and running of the camp. They are working in Stara Zagora on the project “Education vs. Poverty 3”, 2018-2-BG01-KA125-048113, co-financed by the EU Erasmus + program

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