Although for this animation group the weekend of the 12th – 14th was their second encounter, they all looked as if they had known each other since they were still young children. The agenda of the meeting was related to the theme of “Pedagogy”. We learned interesting things and tried to practice trough games. We have also learned some new games that will help us for the work with children.
Sister Nadia introduced us to the Benedictine sisters, and father Jiri spoke about pedagogy according to the Silesian preventative system.
As usual, we sang, we laughed, we played – we were just together. I believe everyone will has a smile on their face when they remeber the second meeting of this group of animators in Kazanlak.”
Tomas Reichal, EVS Volunteer, Project “Education vs. Poverty”, 2017-1-BG01-KA105-035856, co-funded under the Erasmus + EC program.