Кръстен път, 13.04.2017/Via Crucis, 13.04.2017


On the Great Thursday – 17th of April 2017 with the children and young people from the Center for information, consultation, education and support /CICES/ in the romany district Lozenetz, town of Stara Zagora we walked the last Via Crucis before Easter. We met at the construction of the new catholic church in district Lozenetz – Mary Help of Christians. The EVS volunteers Dorota Sedlackova, Vaclav Jakubicek and Jan Tomiga were with us togetehr, also the volunteer Anezka Kotrbova. A very special guest was Don Guillermo Basa?es, who is responsible for the salesians mission all over the world.
We started in the church and we continued true the district towards the “Ayazmo” – so we did the stops till 14 in open. After the Via Crucis we get together with the children in the center /CICES/ where we painted the eggs for Easter. It was emotional and energizing day.

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