Духовни упражнения в Казанлък, 17-19.03.2017/Spiritual exercises in town of Kazanlak, 17-19.03.2017





“The days from 17th till 19th of March we spend in spiritual exercises in town of Kazanlak. We – a group of 14 young people from town of Sofia, town of Rakovski, town of Stara Zagora, town of Kazanlak, and Kalchevo village were preparing ourselves for the upcoming feast – Easter. We started on Friday and before to dive into the silence we played few games. After the games we had evening prayer and a word for “Good Night”. On the next day we were all in silence, for to have the opportunity during the talks and leisure time to hear what God wants to tell us. We heard two lectures led by father Petr Nemec. In the late afternoon we did Via Crucis in the open air, each stop was prepared with a personal reflection of each of us. After the Via Crucis we had preparatory time for The Holy confession, as well as time for the Holy confession itself. We continued with a Byzantine mass. In the night we did adoration in the church. During the adoration each of us had a chance to be alone with God. On Sunday, after the Holy mass we said “Good Bye” to each other with warm feelings, feeling reloaded and waiting for the Easter feats.”
Gergana Georgieva





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